Chronicle of the Predecessor ArGes

  • Entry in the register of associations Siegburg local court

  • Repeat merger, resolution on the articles of association (Hennef)

  • Liquidation ForGe Latvia (Hennef)

    On the eve of the first general meeting of the ArGe Baltikum, ForGe Latvia disbanded.

    As ForGe Latvia was not a registered association but a non-material association, it could not merge with ArGe Estonia and ForGe Lithuania. The collectors interested in further joint research work in a philatelic association joined the ArGe Baltikum as personal members.

  • Signing of merger agreements (Limburg)

  • Last general meeting ArGe Estonia (Soest)

  • Last general meeting ForGe Lithuania (Ehlershausen)

  • General meeting Filatelistengroep 'Het Baltische Gebied'

    The general meeting of the HBG decided to continue the activities of the Filatelistengroep for several more years, as long as enough actors are available for the production of the newsletter and other activities in the association.

    However, the HBG's digital archive is already to be stored in the internet platform of the ArGe Baltikum and made available to the public.

  • General meeting ArGe Estonia (Soest)

    Commissioning of the Management Board to prepare the merger of ArGe Estland and ForGe Litauen.

  • 4th Baltic Tour of Research Community Lithuania

  • General Assembly ForGe Lithuania (Ehlershausen)

  • Future Workshop Balticum (Groschlattengrün)

    Meeting of the Boards of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Estland e.V., the Forschungsgemeinschaft Lettland and the Forschungsgemeinschaft Litauen e.V. Basic considerations on a future cooperation of the philatelic societies of the Baltic States.

  • New Board of the Estonia Working Group

  • 3rd trip of the Research Foundation Lithuania

    The journey with participants from all 3 Baltic working groups (9 collectors, 6 accompanying persons) started in Riga, led to Lithuania and there via Memel to the Curonian Spit. via Koster Tytuvenai to Kaunas and via the water castle Trakai to Vilnius and back to Latvia, via Rundale Castle back to the starting point in Riga.

    There is a beautifully illustrated report on this by Erika Feustel in 'Lituania' No. 3/2012, p. 54–57.

  • 5th Trip Research Community Latvia with 4th Symposium

  • 2nd trip of the Research Community Lithuania

  • 3rd Trip of the Working Community Estonia

  • 4th Trip Research Community Latvia with 3rd Symposium

  • New Executive Board ForGe Lithuania

  • Call for joint trade fair stands (Springe)

    On the initiative of Bernhard 'Tony' Fels (Managing Director of the Lithuanian Research Association), the boards of the three Baltic working and research communities met in Springe near Hanover to discuss the possibilities of joint information stands at fairs and exhibitions.

    A joint information brochure and other measures were decided to point out the advantages of the groups active in the Baltic States to interested parties at philatelic events.

  • 2nd Trip of the Estonia Working Group

    The second trip of the ArGe Estonia did not only lead to Tallinn, Tartu and some places in the surrounding area, but also to a small exhibition in Valga and to collector friend Edgar Lüüs' home in Otepää.


    Michael Wienelke wrote a travel report on this in the 'Eesti Post' 39/2004; the issue is available for download on our media page.

  • New Board ArGe Estonia

  • 3rd Trip Research Community Latvia with 2nd Symposium

  • 2nd Trip Research Community Latvia with 1st Symposium

    The second trip of ForGe Latvia on the occasion of the group's 50th anniversary was to Riga for the 800th anniversary celebrations.

    This trip also included the "1st Symposium on Latvian Postal History" at the Riga Blackhouse, which brought together 60 philatelists from 7 countries and 3 continents. This was followed by another tour of the country.

    Martin Bechstedt wrote a detailed report on this in 'Philatelia Baltica' 112/2001.

  • 1st trip Research Community Lithuania

  • Philatelist in Kaunas

  • ForGe Latvia's 1st trip to Latvia

    The first trip of the Research Association Latvia in July 1998 took 20 collectors and accompanying persons from Riga on 2 round trips with 6 and 11 stops respectively through the country. Several philatelic meetings enriched the exchange..

    There is a detailed report on this by Marin Bechstedt in 'Phialtelia Baltica' No. 106/1998.

  • First issue 'Lituania'

  • Foundation Research Community Lithuania (Ehlershausen)

  • Preparatory Group 'Lithuania'

    Due to numerous enquiries to ForGe Latvia as to whether Lithuania could also be dealt with, Wolfgang Watzke initiated a 'Lithuania Preparatory Group' with the aim of founding an independent Lithuanian research association. By May 1993, 40 interested parties had already registered.

    At the same time, Watzke pointed out that although an intensive exchange of all Baltic collectors was advocated, the realisation had 'prevailed' that the completely specific concern with each individual collecting area (which also includes Russia, Poland, Commander-in-Chief East, etc.) decisively promoted the level of work. If everything was packed into a single Baltic working group, it would become too much and confusing and the subtleties would be lost. He advocated three independent communities with excellent specialists and experienced Baltic 'general collectors' as a dream to be fulfilled.

  • New management of the Latvian Research Foundation

  • 1st Trip of the Estonia Working Group

    At the beginning of July 1091, only a few weeks before the regaining of independence (on 20 August), a small group of 4 collectors and 2 accompanying persons travelled to the still existing Soviet Union, to Tallinn and Riga with surroundings. In Tallinn, the 'Estica 91' was visited. With collector friends from Estonia and Latvia, common activities could be cultivated and relations deepened.

    Thomas Löbbering wrote a report about it in the 'Eesti Post' No. 12/1991, which you can download from our media page.

  • First issue 'Eesti Post'

  • Foundation of working group Estonia (Soest)

  • First Issue of 'Het Baltische Gebied'

  • Foundation Filatelistengroep 'Het Baltische Gebied' (Geldermalsen)

    From the contacts of several Baltic philatelists, which had already existed since 1975, and two circular letters sent on June 27 and August 22 with invitations to 30 interested parties, the Dutch Phlatelic Group 'Het baltische Gebied' (The Baltic Region) was founded in October 1982 in Geldermalsen.

    To date, meetings are held twice a year at the same location.

  • First Meeting Estonia Philatelists (Dortmund)

  • 'Working Community' becomes 'Research Ccommunity'

    In 1970, the Latvian Working Community became a "Research Community" in order to make it clear through the name that the focus of the work was research.

  • First issue 'Philatelia Baltica'

    After the foundation of Harry v. Hofmann publishing company, the hektographed circulars of the then Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lettland im BDPh and the Gildegruppe Lettland were published as the printed magazine 'Philatelia Baltica' from June 1965.

  • Change of leadership in the Latvia Working Community

  • Foundation of the Latvia Working Group