'Baltikum – Zeitschrift für Philatelie und Zeitgeschichte' (Journal for Philately and Contemporary History) are the newsletters of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Baltikum.

Current 'Baltikum' Issues

are distributed exclusively to the members of the ArGe Baltikum (included in the membership fee). If you also want to read these current issues and support the ArGe, you are welcome to become a member. Please go to our member page to register or contact the Chairman of the ArGe Baltikum to purchase individual bulletins in print!

Previous 'Baltikum' Issues

as well as the old editions of 'Eesti Post', 'Lituania' and 'Het Baltische Gebied' are available to everyone free of charge as PDF files. Just click on the corresponding subpage in the menu!

From issue 11 / 2022, the 'Baltikum' is also available in English!
The first 10 issues will follow retroactively one after the other.

(to be read together with the original German version, no illustrations)

Download tables of contents and reading samples of the current issues

Cover picture Issue / Main article Table of contents Extract
Titelbild Nr.17/2024

17 / 2024 in English

South Lithuania / Gardinas / Grodno / Hrodna (Martin Bechstedt)

May 2024
Table of contents Extract
Title No.16/2023

16 / 2023 in English

My unforgettable time in Pöszeiten / Pežeišiai, district of Memel / Klaipėda (Doris Masch)

November 2023
Table of contents Extract
Titelbild Nr.15/2023

15 / 2023 in English

Retour – Возвращатъ – Back –
Atpakaļ (Ruud van Wijnen)

July 2023
Table of contents Extract