Video interviews on the ArGe Baltikum

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Torsten Berndt and Martin Bechstedt gave an interview to our webmaster as new members of the ArGe Baltikum board about their goals for the further work of the ArGe.

They also told about their personal collecting preferences and experiences with publishing in print and digital media.

Thomas Löbbering and Michael Wieneke share with us their plans for the future, their experiences with board work in ArGe Baltikum and some thoughts on the future of philately.

Video interviews on Baltic philately

During the Munich Stamp Fair 2016, our webmaster Friedhelm Doell interviewed two philatelic experts:

Torsten Berndt is editor-in-chief of the Deutsche Briefmarkenzeitung and Briefmarkenspiegel. He provided information on stamp collecting today, on the organisations and on the financial values in philately

Thomas Löbbering ist is chairman of the Baltic Working Group and informed about the purpose and the activities of the Working Group, possibilities to benefit from it or to contribute to it and how to get in contact with the Working Group.