Old 'Philatelia Baltica' Editions

'Philatelia Baltica' were the names of the newsletters of the former Research Association Latvia.

Karl-Heinz Baars has created a structured table of contents for all articles in numbers 1 to 137, from which you can take the published articles with issue and page – sorted by 65 different topics!

You can download this table of contents here as a PDF document:
Table of Contents
'Philatelia Baltica' complete

The Circular letters of the working group Latvia No. 1–40 from the years 1952 to 1965 are stored in their original typewriter version at Wolfgang Watzke. If you need such an article, please contact him for a copy.

From 1965 the releases were published as 'Philatelia Baltica' by Harry von Hofmann-Verlag. Only as many copies of No. 41–92 as at the time were needed were printed. There are no longer any remaining copies of these numbers.

From Philatelia Baltica No. 93 on, multiple copies were printed. For copyright reasons, we are unfortunately unable to make them available for download as scanned PDF files. However, these numbers are still available up to the last number 137 as booklets in the possession of the ArGe Baltikum and will be given away for a fee:

Philatelia Baltica Nr. 93 to 137

Price for all existing issues together (No. 93–137) 75,- Euro

Price per single issue 2,- Euro

In each case plus shipping and handling costs

The transfer will be made under the keyword "Philatelia Baltica" to the account of the ArGe (see imprint).

Interested parties please contact Wolfgang Watzke at the e-mail address This e-mail address is protected against spambots! JavaScript must be activated in order to view it.